Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Bakes.. The Booman and a Scheme Gone Bad

This story is soon to be a classic.  I will tell it every year to Abrielle and I am sure Hollie will tell her children and they will tell their children and so on and so on.

It all started on a cold morning a few weeks before Christmas.  I had stopped over to my parents house so that the princess could play with her cousins.  I was relaxing on the couch when Mr. Boo so kindly asked me what I planned on brining to Christmas Eve.  I informed him that I didn't think that far ahead.  He asked....noooo begged.... me to make him No Bake cookies.  "They are his favorite", he said.  "Hollie isn't making them this year and your mom won't. So you have to." FIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! I tell him but at the same time I describe to him that I HATE MAKING NO BAKES.  That didn't phase him.  He wanted  no bakes... it was Christmas.  I had to make them for him.

A few days later I was all geared up to do the grocery shopping for Christmas.  I find this awesome looking Eggnong Custard dessert that I wanted to try and make.......pffff I remembered I had to make no bakes.  I send Hollie a text just to make sure that she wasn't making them.  She text me back and informs me she is making some.  I say thank you!!  Dad told me I had to because you weren't.

Phone rings... It's Hollie.  She very kindly informs me that the Booman was at her house the night before BRAGGING about tricking me into making no bakes.  Come to find out he had my aunt making him no bakes, my sister making him no bakes and he thought that I would fall right into his little scheme.  Oh no buddy... he wasn't getting No Bakes from me!!!

A quote from the man himself:

"Just ate the last no bake cookie boy were they good if kristen didn't give me up I might have been able to hoard a few oh well holiday over cookies are gone"


  1. Did I tell you about the the prize involved in the great scheme no I didn't Hollie won and now she is home packing her bags for a 11 day stay in in st lucia kristen did I tell you I really like apple pie you could be the next winner

  2. Outta control. Too funny :) The story will live on (and hopefully on and on).
