Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fashion Sense(less)

I love picking out clothes for my daughter, Alina, to wear.  She has a closet (and dresser) full of clothes.  Not only does she have a ton of clothes, but also she has shoes I want on my feet: black boots, brown shoes, ballet flats.  I love them all.  Every night before she goes to bed, I pick out her clothes for the following day.  This has been our routine since she started Pre-K.  I think the routine is about to change.

Yesterday Morning
Alina (dressed and walking out of her room before leaving for school):  Mom, I don't think I can wear this.  (She takes both of her hands and points at her outfit.  She has on black leggings, a jean skirt, a black turtleneck -- yep, I make her wear them, too -- a plaid hot pink and black vest with fur at the top, and black knee-high suede boots.)

Me (completely loving how she looks):  Alina, oh my gosh you look adorable.  Why don't you think you can wear it?

Alina:  Ugh, Mom, this just is not my fashion sense.  I do not feel comfortable in this. (Yep, you guessed it tugging at her turtleneck.)

Me (completely affronted thinking that now even my six-years-old is getting on me about turtlenecks):  So, now what?  You don't want to wear turtlenecks either? 

Alina (confused):  Huh?  What are you talking about Mom?  Why are you so mad I don't want to wear it?

Me (embarrassed because I'm taking out my love of turtlenecks and other people hatin' on them out on her):  Sorry, Lina.  But you do look adorable and you don't have time to change. 

Alina:  Well, I wonder what Abrielle's wearing today.  (Yes, that would be Kristen's daughter, Abrielle, as in my funky fashionista of a sister who's not only President but also founder of the I Hate Turtlenecks Unless You're a Little Girl fan club. Great.)

Me:  I don't know.  I bet she has a turtleneck on.  (She might.  She's three.)

Alina:  Well, that's great, Mom.  She's three.  I'm six!

Me:  Okay, well you're not changing, and you need to go brush your teeth.

(while Alina is brushing her teeth) Me to Andy:  Can you believe Alina didn't want to wear the outfit I picked out?

Andy:  Why?  What did you pick out? 

Me:  Just leggings, a skirt, a turtleneck, and a vest with a furry hood.

Andy (laughing):  Haha, you said furry hood.

Welcome to my world. 


  1. Oh no...I am so sad! I always loved getting Alina turtlenecks when she was little and now she doesn't like them :-( Well, lucky her, must be she has a better fashion sense than we do!
